dinsdag 19 april 2011

That's for sale in Arnhem and Amsterdam

Some nice shops are enthousiastic about That's A Magazine and our Lost issue! In May we will have at least 5 sellingpoints: BL-ij, Boekhandel Hijman & Arends and Super Duper in Arnhem. Sprmrkt and Sukah in Amsterdam. Followed by Beroep Kapper in Amersfoort and maybe a nice shop in Antwerp, Barcelona, Berlin... We don't mind bussinesstrips at all ; )

vrijdag 15 april 2011

Waiting for the postman

Today again some Lost issues went on their way to their new owners. Hope you have as much fun in receiving, as we did while making the packages...

donderdag 7 april 2011

Arnhemse meisjes (en jongens)

De Gelderlander schreef vorige week een leuk stukje over ons. En ja, met dank aan de Arnhemse jongens van O.K. Parking, want daar, op het O.K. Festival begon het allemaal...

maandag 4 april 2011

That's A Magazine in the press

Lost issue released!

Yesterday we celebrated the release of our first That's A Magazine: The Lost issue.
With 100 friends, family and curious Magazine-lovers we enjoyed the little exhibition The-making-of, live cellomusic bij Mariette Freyzer and the atmosphere in Dudok. Thank you all for coming!