maandag 24 oktober 2011

That's it!

Last week we created a crisis ourselves. In one of the most busy weeks of the year, we made an appointment to make silkscreenprints for #02 the Money issue. Imagine: spending a whole day in the ArtEZ printstudio, experimenting with coloured paper, all sorts of coloured ink and different money patterns. That's great! Of course we didn't feel the pressure of having-no-time-at all-to-do-anything-besides-working-studying-eating-and-sleeping when we made the appointment, a few weeks earlier. Money was not the issue - it was the amount of time that we didn't have at all, when we reached the 18th of october. To make it more comfortable, it was also raining on and on that day. Carrying 20 kgs of coloured paper (some were too wet to use), totally wet and tired we arrived at the studio early that morning.
For a while we both secretly thought this might be not a very good idea. This whole idea of screenprinting and all the handmade stuff we like so much for our magazine. But when we saw the beautiful -free- paper we ordered in the dummyshops of big papersuppliers and started counting how many screenprints we could make today, at least in our heads the sun was shining again! We chose six images we wanted to print, we chose two colours: white and fluo orange (!) and started working to prepare the screens. The whole process of silkscreenprinting has something magical: the transparent papers, the light to get the pattern in the screen, the ink and the printing itself. The result is always a surprise and sometimes not what you hoped for. We made more than 200 prints for the covers of #02. And we made 50 unique A3 prints. You can order them soon at our website.

It sure felt like crisis, but in fact it was a small one. At the end of the day we were very happy with the result: this abundance of colour and images is what we wanted to create! Issue #02 will be there in a few weeks - we'll keep you posted.

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